· 1 min read

Introducing the Hourglass Points Program

Introducing the Hourglass Points Program

Dear Hourglass Community,

It’s an exciting time for Hourglass - we’re entering high velocity with partnerships, feature rollouts, and Hourglass V2 coming soon. We want to make sure it’s an exciting time for you, too! So we think this is a great time to announce our Points Program.

What is the Hourglass Points Program?

The program is simple: earn points for any swaps placed on Hourglass. Our first season begins today. This will allow us to directly measure + reward your contribution to our protocol.

How Does it Work?

💸 1 Point/Dollar Traded: For every dollar swapped on Hourglass, we’ll award you one point. We are capping this at 10,000 points/week. To counteract sybil attacks, we'll consider wallet age + activity if necessary.

🌟 1,000 Points for Hourly Leaders: We are additionally awarding 300 points to the highest volume trader over each 3 hour period.

🎁 Retroactive Points for Past Activity:

Get Started Today!

Ready to start earning? Visit app.hourglass.money and start swapping, or join our community at https://t.me/hourglassmoney and start engaging with fellow members. Every action you take here pushes us closer to Hourglass’s full potential 😄

Join the Conversation

Have questions about the Points System or want to share your feedback? Join the discussion on Telegram at https://t.me/hourglassmoney or email us at [email protected]. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Here's to a rewarding journey ahead!